2015, Number 09
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MediSan 2015; 19 (09)
Clinical and epidemiological characteristics of patients admitted due to cerebrovascular disease in an Intensive Care Unit
Torres MJM, Pérez CS, Soto GR
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 1096-1102
PDF size: 340.21 Kb.
An observational, descriptive and cross-sectional study of 72 patients cerebrovascular disease admitted in the Intensive Care Unit of "Dr. Ambrosio Grillo Portuondo" Provincial Hospital in Santiago de Cuba was carried out from January, 2011 to December, 2013, in order to characterize them according to clinical and epidemiological variables. The group 45-64 years, the male sex, the hemorrhagic cerebrovascular disease and the history of hypertension prevailed in the series; also, most of the affected patients came from the emergent services and the mortality was higher in those with Glasgow scale lower than 8 points at admission.
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