2015, Number 4
Level of information of mothers on children's oral health state at school age
Language: Spanish
References: 18
Page: 233-239
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Introduction: it is very important that children receive education on oral health at early ages because it has a positive effect in their subsequent development, as well as, the family has enormous influence on children, mainly mothers, as they are considered the irreplaceable first educators.Objective: to determine possible influence of the level of information of mothers on the importance of temporary dentition in children's oral health state.
Methods: a descriptive observational study of transversal type was performed in children from «Ramón Ruiz del Sol» and «Batalla del Capiro» schools, who were seen at «Celia Sánchez Manduley» Dental Clinic in Santa Clara City, Villa Clara from September, 2012 to March, 2013. The universe of study was constituted by 82 children between five to seven years of age who belong to the mentioned schools; the sample was made up of 70 of them, and it was selected using the simple random probabilistic sampling.
Results: dysfunctional family predominated and children with bad state of oral health prevailed in severely dysfunctional families.
Conclusion: the ignorance of mothers had an unfavorable repercussion in the oral health of the children studied.
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