2015, Number 5
Precocious detection of patients with diabetes mellitus risk in the primary health care
Language: Spanish
References: 27
Page: 469-478
PDF size: 92.64 Kb.
Background: Pre-diabetes is a condition that is present before diabetes mellitus type 2 develops.Aim: Characterizing clinic and epidemiologicly to the patients diagnosed with prediabetes.
Materials and methods: A cross-sectional, descriptive study was carried out in 60 patients diagnosed as pre-diabetic ones, belonging to the Teaching Polyclinic “Heroes del Moncada”, of Cardenas, Matanzas province, from January to December 2013.
Outcomes: Female patients and 40-49 and 50-59 age groups predominated. Among the most frequent risk facts, we identified: obesity and overweight (66,7 %), arterial hypertension (48,3 %) and dyslipidemia (45 %). The altered fasting blood glucose was the category showing more quantity of cases, with 65 % of the patients. The associated co-morbidity we found, in order of frequency corresponded to arterial hypertension (48,3 %), dyslipidemia (45 %) and ischemic cardiopathy (30 %).
Conclusions: Patients's tall percentage with pre-diabetes is ignorant of his condition, that expresses the need to establish strategies of precocious detection in primary attention of health in definite terms.
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