2015, Number 2
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Rev Cubana Cardiol Cir Cardiovasc 2015; 21 (2)
Surgical treatment of stress in Abdominal Aorta Surgery, by two different anesthetic techniques
Correa PJM, López CO, Pichardo GC, Medina GY
Language: Spanish
References: 23
Page: 85-93
PDF size: 478.81 Kb.
Introduction: The surgery of abdominal aortic is one of the types of surgerythat bigger surgical stress takes implicit. A great quantity of stimuli like endocrine answer is unchained to the surgery, the techniques anesthetic employees could influence in the attenuation of the answer of stress of the organism before the surgical aggression.
Objectives: To evaluate the neuroendocrine answer to the stress, taken place in intervened patients of surgery of the abdominal aorta under it general orotraqueal anesthesia or general orotraqueal-peridural combined anesthesia.
Materials and method: It was carried out a prospective, longitudinal, controlled, randomized clinical investigation, of intervention in parallel groups; in the period of January of 2009 to December of 2012, in 30 patients, of any sex, with age among 50 and 80 years, that went to the CIMEQ, with atherosclerotic illnesses of the abdominal aorta and they required surgical treatment.
Results: 83.3% of the cases were masculine; the half age was of 68.9 (ED 6.8) years. The cortisol levels, ACTH and prolactina had similar behavior in the two groups. All the hormones showed an important elevation after the surgical incision, of the extubation and at the 24 hours of the postoperative one, however, in these three moments, the values measured in the group intervened under general orotraqueal anesthesia, they were much bigger when they were compared with those of the group where general orotraqueal-peridural combined was used.
Conclusions: The general orotraqueal-peridural combined anesthesia is a surer and more effective anesthetic method in the handling of the anesthetic-surgical stress, when it is compared with the general orotraqueal anesthesia.
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