2015, Number 1
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Rev Cubana Plant Med 2015; 20 (1)
Effect of camu-camu capsules on blood glucose and lipid profile of healthy adults
Languer VB, Amaro GF, Ozaki YLK, do Amaral SFC, Paiva LAJ
Language: Portugués
References: 35
Page: 48-61
PDF size: 193.99 Kb.
Introduction: camu-camu (
Myrciaria dubia [Kunth] McVaugh) is a fruit from the Amazon region that has significant levels of antioxidants, especially vitamin C and flavonoids.
Objective: this study aimed to evaluate the effect of capsules of camu-camu in lipid profile and glucose of young adults.
Methods: were evaluated 18 volunteers of both genders, aged between 21 and 35 years. The volunteers were divided into two groups: 1) intervention group, which received capsules of lyophilized camu-camu containing 320 mg of vitamin C; 2) control group, which received capsules containing 320 mg of synthetic vitamin C. The ingestion of capsules was daily for 15 days and blood samples were collected and analyzed before and after the intervention. Statistical differences in the levels of vitamin C in plasma, fasting glucose and lipid profile were verified by means of
Student's “t” test.
Results: was recorded significant increase in serum ascorbic acid and a significant decrease in fasting glucose, total cholesterol and HDL-cholesterol levels in group that received capsules of camu-camu. There was also a significant decrease in LDLcholesterol levels in intervention group. In control group decreased significantly only the levels of fasting glucose. In both groups there was a tendency of reductioni n triglyceride levels, although it has not been significant.
Conclusion: it was concluded that the capsules of camu-camu were more efficient, presenting hypolipidemic and hypoglycemic action in volunteers studied. These
results demonstrate the potential benefit of vitamin C and camu-camu health, presenting the fruit as an excellent source of this vitamin.
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