2015, Number 4
Quality of the final theoretical test of Human Morphology I in the Faculty of Medical Sciences of Matanzaz. School years 2012-2013 and 2013-2014
Language: Spanish
References: 14
Page: 323-332
PDF size: 68.20 Kb.
Background: the evaluation system should be as solid as possible and it is necessary that the used tools have the required quality and have been proved.Aim: to assess the quality of the final theoretical tests of the matter Human Morphophysiology I, of the Medicine specialty, in the Medical Sciences Faculty of Matanzas, during the 2012-2013 and 2013-2014 school years.
Methods: a research in the branch of the medical education was carried out to describe the structure of the evaluative tools and the results achieved by the students, and also to calculate the difficulty index and the discrimination coefficient in the universe of that matter tests applied to students and each of their questions.
Outcomes: the tests applied in both school years showed an adequate discrimination, and the difficulty was average and standarly easy, respectively. We recommended the re-elaboration of several questions and items to reach the average difficulty.
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