2015, Number 4
Antileptospiral antibodies in Intacglobin, a new therapeutic possibility for treating leptospirosis
Language: Spanish
References: 13
Page: 660-666
PDF size: 154.72 Kb.
Introduction: Intacglobin is biological product obtained in the Havana Hemoderivatives Plant, contains polyclonal immunoglobulins of the classes IgG, IgM and IgA, presently used as immunologic complement in diverse conditions.Objective: to show the presence and effectiveness of antileptospiral immunoglobulins antibodies in Intacglobin for the specific treatment of leptospirosis.
Material and method: a study was carried out in thirteen lots of Intacglobin, in order to show the presence of antileptospiral immunoglobulins in this product. Two laboratory techniques were used: microagglutination with 10 serogroups of leptospira (WHO reference technique), and UMELISA, with an Ag developed the University of Medical Sciences. The Intacglobin samples were diluted from 1:50 to 1.3200 for the microagglutination and from 1:21 for UMELISA. The test was considered positive when agglutination of the antigens was 50% or higher for the microaaglutination technique and positive according to range stablished for UMELISA.
Results: in seven of the thirteen studied lots serologic reactions were detected before the two used techniques. Up to 1:1600, specifically in the case of the serogroup L. Hebdomadis 1:400, in the L. Icterohaemorrhagiae, Canicola, Pomona y Australis 1:200, and Ballum 1:100.
Conclusions: a new possibility of treating leptospirosis, increasing the therapeutic stock with this product, which acquires now an added value.
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