2015, Number 3
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Rev Cubana Pediatr 2015; 87 (3)
Predictive scale of failure to thrive in breastfed babies
Piña BCE, Esquivel LM, Fernández FML, Silva RL, Uranga PR, Piña RLK
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 335-349
PDF size: 183.44 Kb.
Introduction: the failure to thrive is identified in children whose growth is
significantly lower than their fellows.
Objectives: to identify the incidence and the characteristics of the failure to thrive
in the studied population and to develop a predictive scale of this illness in nursing babies.
Methods: a prospective cohort study was conducted in “Manuel Gonzalez Diaz” polyclinics in Bahia Honda municipality in three phases in the 2009 to 2013 period.
In the first phase, the screening of children who participated in the study and of the
incidence of disease together with the description of the relevant characteristics in
1 490 breastfed babies born in the studied phase; in the second one, the diagnosis
of risk factors was possible and in the third phase, a predictive scale was designed
and validated.
Results: the incidence of the failure to thrive was 19.4 %. When applying the scale
to the sample A, the sensitivity was 72.1 % and the specificity reached 90.2 %
whereas in the sample B, the sensitivity was 76.34 and the specificity 92.75 %.
Conclusions: the failure to thrive is a common entity, with higher incidence in the
second and third trimesters; it is mostly of organic cause and the most frequent
anthropometric variant is the impaired weight. Thirteen risk factors associated to
this illness were detected. The final scale allows predicting the risk of developing
failure to thrive in breastfed babies with acceptable sensitivity and high specificity.
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