2015, Number 3
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Gac Med Mex 2015; 151 (3)
Preclinical in vitro and in vivo models for the assessment of biological activity in biosimilarity studies
Escobedo-Moratilla A, Barba RAP, Pérez-Urizar JT
Language: Spanish
References: 40
Page: 377-386
PDF size: 260.61 Kb.
A drug that contains a recombinant protein as an active principle is called a biotechnological drug or biopharmaceutical.
There are currently over 300 biopharmaceuticals worldwide. Many of these contains a similar active principle (biosimilar
drug) as other previously registered (innovator drug). It has suggested that due to the complex implications in a formulation
containing a protein, the manufacturing process is a key factor for efficacy and safety requirements. In fact, certain variability
has been detected of the protein properties in different lots (or batches) of the same manufacturer, which produce changes
at a clinical level. For this reason, the evaluation of biosimilar drugs has acquired great relevance, being the preclinical level
of one of the more important stages of the development due to its lower cost (with respect to the clinical level) and its high
capacity to detect formulation-manufacture problems. However, the demonstration of comparability at physicochemical,
preclinical, and clinical levels is required in order to achieve market registration. In this review the
in vitro and
in vivo models
used for the assessment of proposed biosimilars will be discussed.
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