2015, Number 3
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Gac Med Mex 2015; 151 (3)
Type 2 Diabetes and Dietary Patterns 1961 to 2009: Some Social Determinants in Mexico
Moreno-Altamirano L, Silberman M, Hernández-Montoya D, Capraro S, Soto-Estrada G, García-García JJ, Sandoval-Bosh E
Language: Spanish
References: 53
Page: 354-368
PDF size: 305.10 Kb.
In order to analyze whether the increase in mortality from diabetes in Mexico is related to changes in eating patterns over
the period 1961 to 2009, and if they in turn could be explained in the Mexican socioeconomic context, we conducted an
ecological study with information from the Food Balance Sheets FAO. A cluster analysis was performed to shape eating
patterns (three) and some socioeconomic variables were analyzed. It was observed that the energy derived from cereals
and legumes (beans) was significantly reduced, and simultaneously, energy from sugars, animal foods, and vegetable fats
had a significant increase. Various socioeconomic conditions may have favored changes in diet and increased mortality from
diabetes. These conditions are: trade liberalization, low growth, rising inequality and informal work, declining agriculture, falling
real wages in relation to the value of what is called the “basic food and non-food baskets”, increasing prices of healthy food,
low cost of processed foods and beverages, and the lack of control in the food market.
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