2015, Number 1
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Rev Cub Oftal 2015; 28 (1)
Statistical indicators for the evaluation of assistance protocols in ophthalmology
Navarro NS, Padilla RCM
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 64-77
PDF size: 213.48 Kb.
Objective: to create indicators to evaluate the assistance protocols of the first causes
of discharges from hospital in the 4th quarter of 2013.
Methods: literature review was used to gather information. Those indicators
suggested by the scientific board experts were analyzed in addition to studying the
medical histories that were selected through non-probabilistic intentional sampling.
Results: at least two indicators of diagnosis, follow-up, treatment and outcome for
each protocol under research were designed. An survey applied to 64 physicians who
did not adhere to protocols allowed us to know the causes of their poor adherence to
the assistance protocols, according to several medical histories that were checked for
each disease. An Excel program and the statistical S.P.S.S 11.5 version program were
used to collect and to tabulate the information.
Conclusions: the evaluation of the non-adherence to the assistance protocols reveals
that the medical procedure standardization is not reached with the creation of a
document, because collective agreement, determination of the conditions of protocol
implementation and a gradual incorporation into the medical practice are required to
attain this goal.
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