2001, Number 2
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Vet Mex 2001; 32 (2)
Trichinella spiralis search in pork meat sold by butchers in Mexico City
Martínez-Barbabosa I, Vázquez-Tsuji O, Romero-Cabello R, Gutiérrez QM, García YY, Fernández PAM, Campos RT
Language: English/Spanish
References: 20
Page: 141-144
PDF size: 37.73 Kb.
In order to explore the presence of larvae of Trichinella spiralis in pork obtained from public markets and ambulatory markets “tianguis” (open market) from Mexico City, a prospective transversal study of prevalence was performed during 1997. Five hundred samples of 100 g each one were studied: 165 of them were obtained from butchers, 208 in public markets and 127 in ambulatory markets from 16 political delegations. Each sample was cut in five pieces of 1 g. All samples obtained were analyzed by trichinoscopy in a Carl Zeiss light microscopy. Trichinella spiralis larvae were not found in the 2500 cuts. These results suggest that there is no risk to acquire trichinellosis by eating pork in Mexico City.
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