2014, Number 4
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Rev Cubana Invest Bioméd 2014; 33 (4)
Trofin-Vital, nutricional supplement in Nursing home 'Jesus Menendez' in Holguin
Cobos VD, Michael GZ, Cruz TI, Martínez ROL, Batista BM, Cruz JA
Language: Spanish
References: 29
Page: 381-392
PDF size: 257.90 Kb.
Introduction: nutrition plays an important role in the aging process. Due to the
biological changes that occur in these persons, where the prevalence of malnutrition
is increasing, the use of nutritional supplements such as Trofin-Vital, product used in
"Jesús Menéndez" Elderly Home is necessary.
Objective: demonstrate the influence of this product in the elderly nutritional status
at Jesús Menéndez Home in Holguin Province, Cuba, in order to update data in its
Methods: the study was conducted over four months with 18 patients who met the
inclusion criteria. BMI was determined by the method defined by social institutions
regulations for the elderly, supported by Quetelet tables; the ethical procedures are
also complied.
Results: 12 percent malnutrition was observed, results of the analysis are shown
during the months of study in 18 patients, 10 patients gained weight, and it was
noteworthy in 4 patients.
Conclusions: Trofin-Vital positively influenced the nutritional status of these
patients, although the results showed that treatment must be kept for more than four
months with a dose of two tablespoons per day.
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