2015, Number 3
A five-year experience in using the extended cone technique
Language: Spanish
References: 13
Page: 417-422
PDF size: 266.43 Kb.
Background: the use of meshes for hernia repair reached its greatest popularity in the 1980´s. In 2007, a new mesh placement technique was designed in the Multiprofile Clinic in Luanda, Angola, which meets all the requirements of hernia surgery, consisting in the occlusion of the hernia ring and reinforcement of the canal wall. In 2009 this procedure was introduced into the "Enrique Cabrera" Hospital in Havana.Objective: to show the results of the extended cone technique in the treatment of inguinal hernia in the "Enrique Cabrera" Teaching Hospital.
Methods: a case series study was conducted in 100 patients in whom 110 hernias were operated using a prosthetic technique called extended cone, at the "Enrique Cabrera" Hospital in Havana between 2009 and 2013. Gilbert’s classification modified by Robbin and Rutkow was applied. The variables analyzed were age, sex, location of the hernia, type of hernia according to Gilbert’s classification, complications and recurrence rate.
Results: male patients predominated. The most frequent location was the left inguinal region. Type III hernias according to Gilbert’s classification were the most common. There were 15 minor complications and there have been no recurrences thus far.
Conclusions: the proposed technique is a safe procedure and another option for the treatment of patients with type III, IV and VI hernias according to Gilbert’s classification modified by Rutkow and Robbins.
Rodríguez Blanco H, Abilio Luciano CS, Julio Nieto G, Cruz Alonso JR, Caíñas Roman R. Cono extendido, nueva variante técnica en la cirugía de la hernia inguinal. Rev Cubana Cir [revista en Internet]. 2011 [ cited 23 Ene 2014 ] ; 50 (2): [aprox. 8p]. Available from: http://www.bvs.sld.cu/revistas/cir/vol50_2_11/cir0 4211.htm.
Enríquez Weinmann ES, Roselló Fina JR, Canals Rabassa PP, Mederos Curbelo ON, Morejón Pozo C. Reparación protésica de hernias inguinales con técnica de Lichtenstein. Rev Cubana Cir [revista en Internet]. 2003 [ cited 23 Ene 2014 ] ; 42 (1): [aprox. 14p]. Available from: http://scielo.sld.cu/scielo.php?pid=S0034-749320 03000100005&script=sci_arttext.
Duménigo Arias O, de Armas Pérez B, Martínez Ferrá G, Gil Hernández A. Hernioplastia inguinal de Lichtenstein: la mejor opción. Rev Cubana Cir [revista en Internet]. 2007 [ cited 23 Mar 2013 ] ; 46 (1): [aprox. 15p]. Available from: http://scielo.sld.cu/scielo.php?pid=S0034-749320 07000100007&script=sci_arttext.
Armas Pérez BA, Reyes Balseiro ES, Duménigo Arias O, González Menocal OR. Hernias inguinales bilaterales operadas con anestesia local mediante hernioplastia de Lichtenstein. Rev Cubana Cir [revista en Internet]. 2009 [ cited 23 Mar 2013 ] ; 48 (1): [aprox. 8p]. Available from: http://www.bvs.sld.cu/revistas/cir/vol48_1_09/cir0 7109.htm.