2015, Number 3
Carnegie stages 20, 22 and 23: a quantitative perspective
Language: Spanish
References: 35
Page: 406-416
PDF size: 230.45 Kb.
Background: today, studying the quantitative morphology of the embryonic period in depth is a necessity due to the real prospect of implementing the procedures of prenatal medicine earlier in gestation for better assessment of growth and development at this stage.Objective: to determine quantitative indicators of growth at the stages within the eighth week of the human embryonic period.
Methods: a cross-sectional study involving 17 human embryos from abortions using Misoprostol was conducted with prior informed consent. Eight macroscopic morphometric variables were analysed based on the maximum diameters of the body areas, weight and length. The statistical processing included the descriptive analysis of each variable by stage, the weekly average and correlation analysis. The stages 20, 22 and 23 were morphometrically characterized as well as the week eight in general.
Results: significant correlations between variables were found. At the eighth week, all variables showed increases from one stage to another proportional to the length of the embryo. The predominance of the cephalic region in the embryonic anatomy, followed by the abdominal and the thoracic regions was quantitatively confirmed. The dominant plane in all regions was the anteroposterior, although the majority of average diameter increases towards the end of week eight occurred in the lateral plane indicating a growth remodeling.
Conclusions: the increase in weight and skull-spine length found constitutes a quantitative restatement of the accelerated growth at the stages analysed.
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