2015, Number 3
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Medisur 2015; 13 (3)
Fever of unknown origin. A study of 52 cases
Albín CRG, Pérez FW, Morales RFY, Cabrera HJ, Quesada YAS, Rivero FAL
Language: Spanish
References: 27
Page: 391-405
PDF size: 480.84 Kb.
Background: fever of unknown origin is a clinical
syndrome of great diagnostic complexity. Only two
clinical studies related to this subject have been
published in Cuba, hence it is important the
compilation of a series of cases where an accurate
diagnostic method was applied to determine its most
common causes.
Objective: to describe the most frequent causes of
fever of unknown origin.
Methods: a case-series study of 52 patients
admitted to the Freyre de Andrade Clinical-Surgical
Hospital with a diagnosis of fever of unknown origin
was conducted from 2000 to 2010. The study
variables included: age, sex, complementary studies
(variables from humoral, microbiological and
imaging investigations and biopsies), results
obtained and medical management established
according to them, diagnosis of each patient,
treatment and clinical course.
Results: of all patients, 37(71 %) had infections,
nine suffered from infectious endocarditis. Nine (16
%) had neoplasms; seven of them were
hematopoietic. Three patients (6 %) were diagnosed
with non-infectious inflammatory disease.
Conclusions: the first cause of fever of unknown
origin is bacterial infection, primarily infectious
endocarditis and tuberculosis. The second cause is
hematopoietic neoplasm and particularly the
non-Hodgkin's lymphoma.
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