2015, Number 3
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Rev Mex Patol Clin Med Lab 2015; 62 (3)
Leukotrienes and anti-leukotrienes in evidence-based medicine
Baños ZM, Somonte ZDE, Morales PV
Language: Spanish
References: 27
Page: 157-162
PDF size: 208.71 Kb.
Introduction: Leukotrienes are molecules from different cells, derived from arachidonic acid by the 5-lipoxygenase pathway; they are involved in some processes that damage organs and tissues. This led researchers to develop antagonists to stop the consequences they bring to the body.
Methodological design: We conducted a bibliographic review that amounted to a total of 27 articles consulted.
Objective: In order to argue the significance of leukotrienes and anti-leukotrienes in evidence-based medicine.
Conclusions: We found that bronchial asthma and allergic rhinitis are examples of pathologies in which anti-leukotrienes can be useful; we stress the importance of pharmacogenetics in the association of the polymorphism with their evident clinical response.
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