2001, Number 1
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Vet Mex 2001; 32 (1)
Study of incubability and breeding in Creole backyard fowls
Juárez-Caratachea A, Ortiz AMA
Language: English/Spanish
References: 25
Page: 27-32
PDF size: 43.19 Kb.
The purpose of this work was to study incubability indicators such as fertility, hatching and embrionary death of native hen eggs, as well as efficiency food indicatora: food intake, weight gain and food conversion. To achieve this, eggs from rural communities from the Morelia and Tarimbaro municipalities in the State of Michoacan were collected. From 1 162 eggs collected, the results were: selected eggs for incubation, 56.8% (100%); discriminated eggs, 43.2%; early embrionary death, 6.7%; late embrionary death, 8.3%; with broken vitelus, 4.5%; pecked not hatching, 5.7%, and total fertility 82.2 %. The average food intake at 4, 8 and 12 weeks of age was 34, 48 and 72 g per animal by day, and the efficiency food was 3 650:1, 3 250:1 and 4 030:1 on the same age, respectively. Incubability problems of native hen eggs resulted in bad quality shell, embrionary death, infertility, and a better index of efficiency food at 8 weeks of age.
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