2001, Number 1
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Vet Mex 2001; 32 (1)
Histomorphological changes in the uterus of young and adult chinchillas (Eryomis laniger) implanted with zearalenol
Figueroa AS, Fernández RR, Anzaldúa ASR, Pérez-Martínez M
Language: English/Spanish
References: 30
Page: 7-12
PDF size: 100.16 Kb.
In order to determine histologic changes in the uterus of Zearalenol subcutaneously implanted chinchillas (Eryomis laniger) (12 mg/animal), 30 animals divided in two groups were used. One group included virgin females (12-15 months old), and the other one, adult females (24-30 months old). Each group was treated with Zearalenol with a corresponding control ones. Animals were sacrificed, and the uterus was immediately separated for histological analyses. Studies revealed that Zearalenol induces an intense vascular congestion in the endometrium resulting in important changes in the histological organization of the uterus. Increase in the organ size, abundant mitosis or apoptosis in epithelial cells and extensive proliferation of endometrial glands in the older animals was evident. The uterus of control animals did not show vascular changes similar to the treated ones. Mitosis and apoptosis processes were observed in 20% of non treated animals (24-30 months old) .
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