2014, Number 3
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Revista Cubana de Cirugía 2014; 53 (3)
Alterations of the acid-base balance in patients surgically treated for mechanical intestinal obstruction
Domínguez GEJ, Cisneros DCM, Piña PLR
Language: Spanish
References: 16
Page: 265-272
PDF size: 129.28 Kb.
Introduction: alterations of the internal environment leading to high morbidity and
mortality in patients who suffer intestinal obstruction are considered serious
complication if they are not adequately evaluated and corrected.
Objective: to characterize the behavior of the main alterations in the internal
environment related to the acid-base balance in patients operated on for intestinal
mechanical obstruction.
Methods: observational and descriptive case series study in patients operated on for
intestinal obstruction from January 1
st 2009 to December 31
st 2012 in "Saturnino Lora
Torres" hospital. The universe of study was made up of 257 patients, being the final
sample 207 individuals. The
chi-square statistic tests of independence were calculated
to identify statistically significant association among the selected variables.
Results: males as well as over 61 years-old patients prevailed. The intestinal
adhesions were the most common cause of obstruction. The tumor etiology was the
most significant outcome associated with most of the acid-base alterations. The length
of progression of symptoms was directly proportional to the occurrence of identified
disorders. The mortality of the series mainly occurred in patients with cancer occlusion
due to high incidence of hemogasometric alterations present in deceased patients.
Conclusions: the presence of acid-base alterations makes the course and prognosis of
patients with mechanical intestinal obstruction gloomy.
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