2015, Number 3
Buccal diseases that constitute stomatological emergencies
Language: Spanish
References: 32
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Introduction: the bucco dental diseases are diverse as well as their etiologic and predisposing factors, for which they can be considered multifactorial diseases that affect the oral cavity in a different way.Objective: to provide stomatology professionals with updated data about the diseases that they often have to deal with in the stomatology consultations.
Method: it was carried out an exhaustive and updated review in regards to the buccal diseases that constitute Stomatology emergences because they are frequent in stomatology consultations, the signs and symptoms of each one and the treatment to be performed.
Results: it was concluded then that the pain is the most important sign of acute dental caries or any other oral disease in acute condition, regardless the age, which constitutes an emergency in stomatology.
Conclusions: if buccal diseases that constitute emergencies are not treated properly, they will present a fatal outcome for the tooth; hence it is important that the general dentist have an extensive knowledge about them, taking into account the diagnosis, characteristics and treatment.
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