2015, Number 3
Normal length of the mandibular body and the possible eruption of third molars
Language: Spanish
References: 21
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It was performed a descriptive and transversal research at the University Dental Clinic "Manuel de Jesus Cedeño" in Bayamo during the period of October 2008 to May 2009, with the aim of relating the normal length of the mandibular body and the possible eruption of third molars. The universe consisted of 168 patients between 10 and 13 years old, who were assisted at the Orthodontics Service. The information was collected on a model designed for this purpose, with variables of interest. It was determined the space available according to Xi distance (mandibular centroid point) to Lower Second Molar, for the location of third molars, and the relationship of them according to the length of the mandibular body (linear measurement from XI to Suprapogonion). The results were processed, analyzed and presented in tables, and summarized in percents. The main results indicated the 91.07% from those studied with the normal length of the mandibular body, 100% of them at the age of 11 years and no significant differences in sex. The third lower molars prevailed (92.86%), and this condition predominated in 10 year- old- patients (90.63%) and males (80.77%).REFERENCES
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