2014, Number 2
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RCU 2014; 3 (2)
Morbimortalidad anestésica del trasplante renal
Muradas AM, Pérez DY, García RR, Sánchez TR, Rojas FI
Language: Spanish
References: 31
Page: 22-31
PDF size: 719.87 Kb.
Introduction: The renal transplantation is an intervention in which the anaesthesiologist confronts to a wide range of physiopathologic changes inherent to the patient with chronic renal disease that do it liable to suffer diverse complications.
Objectives: Identify the incidence of the most frequent anaesthetics complications, the moment of appearance, the possible relation between them and some risk factors, as well as with the anaesthetic agent employed. Also identify anaesthetic mortality.
Method: An observational prospective study was conducted with the universe of patients who received a renal transplant from March 2012 to march 2014. The data were extracted from clinical file and collected in a model designed to that purpose.
Results: Hypertension was the anaesthetic complication of higher incidence (24%), showing most frequently in older patients and those with physical status ASA IV (p‹ 0.05).
Conclusions: The appearance of anaesthetic complications (44%) did not preclude the satisfactory evolution of the renal transplant. We consider that anaesthetic management should be supported by a deep and updated knowledge in order to accomplish the success of the procedure on which depends the patient survival and ulterior quality of life.
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