2015, Number 2
Behavior of the ophthalmologic manifestations in patient with rheumatoid arthritis
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 139-144
PDF size: 296.45 Kb.
Introduction: the adult's rheumatoid arthritis constitutes an inflammatory, systemic, progressive illness that predominantly affects the articulations and the organs that have in common the presence of a conjunctive tissue, among them, the eyes.Objective: to determine the visual behavior of patients with a diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis.
Methodology: a descriptive, longitudinal study of clinical profile, being constituted by a sample of 64 patients with rheumatoid arthritis, coming from the Center of rheumatology; direct and indirect ophthalmoscopy, exam with fissure lamp, tint with fluorescein and test of Schirmer were performed.
Results: feminine, white and ages between 40-60 years old prevailed, epiescleritis and dry eye were the ophthalmological manifestations identified. Visual sharpness was affected more frequently in a slight way; the presence of dry eye could be appreciated in patients with more than 5 years of evolution of the entity. The clinical evolution of the patients was satisfactory with the applied therapy.
Conclusions: the increase of the time of evolution of the illness influences negatively in the visual health of the patients with rheumatoid arthritis for what becomes necessary the combined evaluation between rheumatologists and oculists in this type of patient.
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