2015, Number 3
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Acta Pediatr Mex 2015; 36 (3)
Indicators of the profile of developmental behaviors for the early detection of developmental delays and deviations in the development
Bolaños C, Mina-Lara MM, Ramos-Ortega G
Language: Spanish
References: 47
Page: 135-146
PDF size: 694.27 Kb.
Objective: To assess the discriminant validity of Risk Indicators of the
Revised Development Behavior Profile (INDIPCD-R) as screening tool for the early detection of developmental alterations and delays in children
aged 6 months to 4 years.
Methods: Comparative cross-sectional study with a sample of 145
children, which included children attending a clinic and two day-care
centers (CENDI). Of the total, 83 children were evaluated with INDIPCDR
and the Revised Behavior Profile Developmental Scale (PCD-R), while
the rest were evaluated only with INDIPCD-R. A descriptive analysis of
frequencies of the variables of the study, U de Mann-Whitney to compare
INDIPCD-R in the clinic and CENDI. Sensibility and Specificity
for the INDIPCD-R. Internal consistency of the INDIPCD-R with the
Cronbach's Alpha.
Results: Significant differences were found in the frequencies of risk
indicators (p ‹ 0.05) in the two groups studied. In the group of children
from the clinic, sensitivity: 100%; specificity: 69%. In the group from
the CENDI, sensitivity: 94%; specificity: 84%. Cronbach´s Alpha: 0.938.
Conclusion: INDIPCD-R is a screening tool that discriminates children
with delays and deviations in their development from those whose development
is normal and not at risk. It was demonstrated in a valid and
reliable way that children who apparently have a normal development,
without specific diagnosis, may present developmental alterations.
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