2014, Number 3
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Revista Cubana de Educación Médica Superior 2014; 28 (3)
Esthetics and the professional practice in health
García FV, Vargas YJ, Hernández CM, Pérez QM
Language: Spanish
References: 21
Page: 579-586
PDF size: 86.88 Kb.
The human activity supposes a process in that the man believes the conditions of
his existence and development, transforming the in agreement reality to his
necessities and interests. In the different activities they are formed the properties
and psychic qualities of character general used as base for the individual's
multilateral development, inside them the aesthetic capacity. For the
professionals of health, the aesthetic attitude in front of the reality cannot be other
people's, considering that its fundamental activity is directed to the maintenance
and preservation of the human well-being. A review of the literature on aesthetics
and sense of beauty applied to occupational health practice is conducted. The
tendency toward the beautiful thing doesn't constitute only an ideal necessity but
rather he/she transforms into a means for the transformation of the reality starting
from an aesthetic ideal conceived ahead of time and conditioned historical and
socioculturally. The professional of the health is not other people's in her activity to
manifest an aesthetic attitude that evidences her formation in that sense. This
attitude is manifested in the interrelation fellow. object. The aesthetic attitude and
the search of the beauty influence in all the spheres of the human life, revealing in
a very individual and characteristic way of to feel and to perceive the elements of
the reality that have significance for the fellow. In the process of the medical
practice an aesthetic attitude appears, mediated by the ideal of prevailing beauty,
in the professional interrelation of the health-patient one.
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