2014, Number 255
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16 de abril 2014; 53 (255)
Riesgo cardiovascular global en pacientes mayores de 40 años. Consultorio 23. Policlínico “Turcios Lima”. 2009-2010
Naranjo DAA, Rodríguez NÁY, Montano SAJ, Llera ARE, Aroche AR
Language: Spanish
References: 43
Page: 17-29
PDF size: 140.61 Kb.
Introduction: The cardiovascular illnesses constitute an epidemic serious problem in the
contemporary world: approximately 17 million people die every year for causes as the
myocardium heart attack and the cerebrovascular accident.
Objective: To determine the cardiovascular global risk in individuals answered to the
medical clinic 23, of the "Turcios Lima" polyclinic center, Pinar del Río 2009-2010.
Methodological design: traverse descriptive study. The study universe was constituted by
the 557 individuals in ages understood among of 40 and 70, the sample conformed to in
aleatory simple way, and it was constituted by 300 individuals. They were described using
absolute and relative frequencies the variable age, sex, the habit of smoking, the personal
antecedents of arterial hypertension and diabetes mellitus as well as sedentarism, obesity
and cardiovascular global risk.
Results: The age group more prevalent was that of 50-59 years with 40%. The
sedentarism and the arterial hypertension were the factors of more frequent risk
respectively with 56,7% and 44,7%. A global cardiovascular risk first floor prevailed with
61%. An odd ratio of 1,36 was calculated for the arterial hypertension and a 9,56 for the
diabetes mellitus.
Conclusions: The most frequent factors of risk were: the sedentarism, the habit of
smoking and the arterial hypertension; these last more frequent in the feminine population.
Individuals prevailed with a low cardiovascular risk. The arterial hypertension, the diabetes
mellitus and the obesity increase the risk of presenting a cardiovascular event in 10 years.
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