2014, Number 255
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16 de abril 2014; 53 (255)
Diabesidad y su riesgo cardiovascular global
Gutiérrez LA, Laourou PEL, Álvarez DJÁ, Rodríguez CBB, Gutiérrez ÁAA
Language: Spanish
References: 23
Page: 5-16
PDF size: 243.49 Kb.
Introduction: The diabetes mellitus type 2 is a chronic and systemic illness. It has been
observed that it has a narrow relationship with the obesity, what has given place to the
emergence of the term "diabesidad." It is a growing problem the increase of the
cardiovascular risk in people that suffer diabesity so its prevention is necessary.
Objective: To determine the cardiovascular global risk and it relationship with the obesity
in the diabetic patients of the north area of Güines.
Methodological design: An observational descriptive and traverse study was carried out it
stops in diabetic patients that attended the consultation of diabetes mellitus of north area of Güines. The study universe was divided in overweight and non-overweight, the cardiovascular risk was calculated.
Results: The 77% of the investigated patients was valued as overweight, it prevalencing
the cardiovascular moderate risk and the possibility of developing cardiovascular events. It
was less probable in those patients than in those presenting alone overweight detected by
index of corporal mass. The most frequently opposing lesions were the estenosis of the
retinianas arteries (45,3%) and the presence of the atherosclerotic badge (37,5%).
Conclusions: The diabesidad is a frequent phenomenon in the diabetic type 2 that
participated in the present investigation. The probability of developing cardiovascular events
in the overweight diagnosed patients by Index of corporal mass is low, this is increased if
the used method is the calculation of the circumference of the waist and, it is even higher in
those patients where the calculation of the overweight coincides for both indexes.
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