2004, Number 5
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Gac Med Mex 2004; 140 (5)
On the Epistemological Approaches to Medicine.
de Micheli-Serra A
Language: Spanish
References: 39
Page: 557-561
PDF size: 521.81 Kb.
The doctrine of correct reasoning was developed in the
Western World as logic. This is an activity of the intellect
that apparently began with Zeno of Elea, being formalized
by Aristotle, and which received its name from the Stoic
philosopher Chrysippus. It corresponds to the structure or
anatomy of thought. Logic empiricism introduced systematic
use of the logistic language into epistemology. The latter
discipline designates the philosophy of science, i.e., the
critical foundation of its principles, hypotheses, methods,
and results. Strictly speaking, it does not constitute an
analysis of the scientific method, which is rather the object
of methodology, nor anticipation or synthesis of scientific
results. It can be considered that, concerning science,
epistemology constitutes the second step with a primary
activity. In other words, it is a reflection on science, considering
the latter as an element to be respected and not as
a domain to be ruled. Dr. Hermann Boerhaave was the first
physician to challenge problems of an epistemologic
character in a coherent and systematic manner (XVIII
Century). Others followed him in this direction during the
subsequent centuries. In the light of Popper’s critical
rationalism, construction of a medical instrument,
conception of a therapeutic procedure, development of a
useful model in biology or medicine could also be considered
as epistemologic problems. The corresponding examples
that follow are worthwhile mentioning: Riva-Rocci’s
sphygmomanometer; metabolic therapeutics for ischemic
heart disease, and elaboration of theoretical models. In
turn, epistemology suggests that assessment of a fact,
perceivable by the senses, is generally more difficult that
elaboration of a hypothesis.
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