2015, Number 1
Incomplete final research report. Invitation to debate
Language: Spanish
References: 2
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Dear Editor:
Technicians and professionals publish their research results to be read and studied by the community interested in the topics.
The section ‘Letters to the Editor’ favors the debate about the published articles and the exchange of opinions among writers, editors and readers.
Cabreales F, Rodríguez R, Mujica CM, Conyedo M, Carballoso AC, Jiménez Y. Sulfato de magnesio en el bloqueo analgésico del nervio ciático. Estudio comparativo con anestésicos locales. Gaceta Med Espirituana [Internet]. 2008[citado: jul/2014];10(Supl.2). Disponible en: http://www.revgmespirituana.sld.cu/index.php/gme/article/viewArticle/554/410.