2015, Number 2
Position of the Latin American Network of Gender and Collective Health of ALAMES on the universal health coverage
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 335-356
PDF size: 177.05 Kb.
The guidelines and contents of the academic, social and political work that we have been developing in the Latin American Gender and Collective Health Network of the Latin American Association of Social Medicine were presented in this article in an abridged form and organized by the following elements: a) full sexual and reproductive rights, implications of their scope and achievements seen from the networks and from the region, b) materialization of the regional and continental agenda for the prevention and detection of all forms of gender violence; c) regression observed in Latin American governments in terms of sexual and reproductive health rights of the population. The Network is mostly made up of women and some men, is devoted or linked to academic life, activism, organizations, movements and groups from the health area in Latin America, with social and health formation and gender sensitivity. It is based on the principle of right to health as a basic human right that is guaranteed by the state. The members of the Network promote and defend the public health agenda through universal health systems which assure universal coverage that may face the present exclusions of the system and the formation for the comprehensive care of individuals as to sexual and reproductive health on the basis of the differential approach and the inter-sector linking with the human rights. It is just this way that inequities and exclusions in health, which are daily faced by Latin American women, can be addressed. Such inequities and exclusions are due unsafe work and tertiarization, exile and forced displacement encouraged by the geostrategic interests, the transnational capitals and the extractivist interests supported by state, parastate and narcomilitary forces that are abundant in some countries of Central and South America. In this context, women's and girls' bodies are subjected to some situations that damage their integrity and their mental and physical health since they respond to the logics of conflicts occurring in a particular region. Taking into account the situation of public order and of socio-economic crisis in Latin American and Caribbean nations, some priorities have been set for the health care sector, which necessarily consider the need of universal health system capable of assuring total coverage, as priority, in the law-binding comprehensive care and in the basic assurance of effective access to health. The above-mentioned will prevent revictimizing the population and will respond to health repair, not repetition, to justice and protection of health and life of this population.REFERENCES
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