2015, Number 2
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Revista Cubana de Salud Pública 2015; 41 (2)
The Research Group on Sudden Death and its results after 20 years
Ochoa MLA, Tamayo VND, González LM, Vilches IE, Quispe SJF, Pernas SY, García OD, Araujo GRE, Planas BR, Morejón MM, López TT, Ramos ML
Language: Spanish
References: 44
Page: 298-323
PDF size: 577.63 Kb.
Introduction: sudden death presently represents one of the main challenges for the
health care systems worldwide due to high incidence, dramatic presentation and life
years prematurely lost as a result of this event.
Objective: to describe the background of the creation of the research group on
sudden death in Cuba twenty years ago, and to show its most significant results.
Methods: a documentary review of the first 20 years of scientific research work
performed by the Research Group on Sudden Death in Cuba (1995-2014).
Results: twenty four thousand eight hundred and seventy six deaths of natural
causes were studied and applied a diagnostic algorithm to document 1 953 events of
sudden cardiovascular death accounting for 7.8 % of recorded global mortality. In the
studied casuistry, 98.1 % went to 14 municipalities from 11 provinces. The studies
showed increased probabilities for this event in patients suffering blood hypertension,
obesity, diabetes mellitus, ischemia, previous myocardial necrosis, smoking, left
ventricle thickening, and lipid profile impairment.
Conclusions: the creation of the Research Group on Sudden Death allowed in the
last twenty years designing and performing scientific research studies aimed at the
epidemiological characterization of this health problem in Cuba and those are useful
elements to draw up intervention strategies to significantly reduce the incidence and
the economic, family and social impact of this event.
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