2015, Number 2
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Revista Cubana de Salud Pública 2015; 41 (2)
Difficulties in performing clinical assays in Cuba found by experts
Alonso CL, García MAJ, López PP, Palomino ML, Marrero MMA, Álvarez CA
Language: Spanish
References: 18
Page: 227-238
PDF size: 122.39 Kb.
Introduction: clinical assays are the cornerstone of present clinical research. They
have increased in the last few years in Cuba due to the accelerated development of
the drug and biotechnological industry. This type of research work requires that
institutions where it is performed have adequate structural conditions in place to
guarantee the compliance with good clinical practices.
Objectives: to analyze the difficulties found by two groups of experts as to the
performance of clinical assays in the national healthcare system.
Methods: descriptive-type qualitative research study conducted from February to
October 2013. Fifteen experts were interviewed and divided into two groups by their
type of function: group 1 with 7 protocol designers and group 2 with 8 clinical
researchers. The gathered information was analyzed and classified into meaning units
and categories.
Results: both groups considered that pressure upon medical assistance, lack of
incentives for the researcher, few material resources and poor training of human
resources were the most significant difficulties. Additionally, the members of Group I
stated that the low number of certified sites and the slow approval of clinical assays
by the ethical commissions are barriers to work.
Conclusions: the difficulties that both groups of experts found reveal the little support of institutions for the clinical assay performance that is not seen as a need of the health care system to resolve health problems.
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