2015, Number 2
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Revista Cubana de Salud Pública 2015; 41 (2)
Patterns of communication and impact of the Cuban scientific output in public health
Zacca-González G, Chinchilla-Rodríguez Z, Vargas-Quesada B, de Moya-Anegón F
Language: Spanish
References: 35
Page: 200-216
PDF size: 538.50 Kb.
Objective: to characterize the Cuban pattern of scientific communication in public health in
Scopus database on the basis of the output and collaboration patterns and their influence on the impact of publications.
Methods: bibliometric indicators of output, visibility and collaboration taken from
SCImago Institutions Rankings and
SCImago Journal and
Country Rank portals were used, according to
Scopus database, in the
Public Health Environmental and
Occupational Health category in 2003-2011 period.
Results: the communication pattern showed an increasing tendency of the scientific output, with great leadership of Cuban authors and poor national and international collaboration. This increase did not have a higher impact on the international community; 7.22 % of documents were published in high impact journals and 2.16 % were among excellence documents. The excellence output with leadership was almost non-existent. Seventy five percent of the output was seen in low impact journals
(fourth quartile) and most of it in national journals. The English output accounted for less than 30% of the total amount but had higher impact than the Spanish articles.
Conclusions: the pattern of Cuban scientific communication in public health was
characterized, in which low number of English publications, of publications in high
impact journals and poor national and international collaborations are factors that
may influence on the low scientific impact. These results can be used to supplement
the assessment of research in public health within the tenth basic function of this
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