2001, Number 1
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Rev Mex Patol Clin Med Lab 2001; 48 (1)
Helicobacter pylori prevalence in Children at School Age
Lagunes YB, Calva RR, Ramírez TE
Language: Spanish
References: 30
Page: 23-26
PDF size: 74.52 Kb.
Introduction: Helicobacter pylori produces chronic inflammation in gastric mucosa and causes several types of gastritis, going from chronic and superficial gastritis to atrophic one, and to gastric adenocarcinoma. There are certain studies showing a changing infection percentage occurring on children, depending on age and socio-economic conditions. The aim of this study was to know, in a sample of apparently healthy children from a middle-low class population, active infection prevalence and its correlation to symptomatology and diverse risk factors implied in it.
Materials and Methods: Two groups of children coming from two different schools and ranging from 6 to 13 years old, with a 9-year average, 46 males (49%) and 48 females (51%) were studied. After parents and administrators consent, they were applied a survey in order to assess risk factors and symtomatology in 94 children chosen at random. They were required a feces sample to determinate Helicobacter pylori antigen presence. Ji quadratic and Fisher Exact statistical tests were employed.
Results: There were 23 positive results for Helicobacter pylori antigen (24.5%) and 71 (75%) were negative. There were 13 samples from male children showing positive results (14%), as well as 10 (10.5%) from female children, without showing any statistical significance about gender, according to Fisher Exact test. In regard to the studied risk factors, such as weekly frequency in meat ingestion, breakfast habits, stacking, potable water, cohabiting with wild or domestic animals, and symptom histories, such as stomachaches and frequent diarrhea periods, there was no significance, with values of p‹0.734, employing Ji quadratic.
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