2015, Number 1
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Rev Cuba Endoc 2015; 26 (1)
Waist-to-height ratio and its usefulness in detection of the cardiovascular and metabolic risk
Hernández RJ, Duchi JPN
Language: Spanish
References: 54
Page: 66-76
PDF size: 125.22 Kb.
Introduction: excessive weight is related to conditions affecting health and quality
of life. Location or distribution of body fat arouses special interest from the clinical
viewpoint and varies whether it is diffuse or localized, basically in the abdomen.
Objective: to describe in our patients the usefulness of the waist-to-height ratio in
the detection of the cardiovascular and metabolic risk.
Development: clinically visible increase of the abdominal and/or visceral fat points
to the active search of some biochemical and clinical disorders that may derive
from the presence of central obesity which can in turn raise the cardiovascular and
metabolic risk. The waist-to-height ratio represents a relatively simple, useful and
non-invasive correlation index to be applied in vulnerable individuals. It is also a
pretty used alternative in population-based studies on obesity and the regional
distribution of fat, taking into account its efficacy for detection of the
cardiometabolic risk. The waist circumference should measure less than the half of
height, so if it is over 0.5, it indicates abdominal obesity. Higher figures have also
shown great correlation with the percentage of body fat mass and some
professionals admit that it is the best risk forecast in patients with metabolic
syndrome. According to some authors, the waist circumference is comparable to
the body mass index in type 2 diabetes mellitus prediction.
Conclusions: the waist-to-height ratio is one of the useful anthropometric
correlations to detect the cardiovascular and metabolic risk.
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