2003, Number 4
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Vet Mex 2003; 34 (4)
Electrocardiographic review in swine: electrical auricular systole, electrical ventricular depolarization and repolarization.
Fernández PP, Castejón MFM, Agüera BEI, Escribano DE, Tovar BP, Rubio LMD
Language: English/Spanish
References: 103
Page: 343-371
PDF size: 251.34 Kb.
This study aims to compile the greatest number of data concerning electrical auricular systole as well as electrical ventricular depolarization and repolarization in swine using a non-invasive technique such as electrocardiography. This review proves the peculiarity of cardiac activation and recovery, due to the distribution of Purkinje fibres throughout the ventricular myocardium of swine, where small areas are free from these conduction fibres, thus producing varied readings during electrocardiography. Firstly, electrical auricular systole is described, including ventricular depolarization and repolarization, as well as any factor that may influence these processes. Secondly, the study aims to classify the mean values for duration and voltage, as well as values obtained by other authors, so as to clarify both concepts for all veterinarians working with electrocardiography in swine. The views of different authors who have carried out electrocardiography studies on the duration, voltage and morphology of every component of the electrical auricular systole, as well as both electrical ventricular depolarization and repolarization are compiled in this study. There is a great variability between the results reported mainly due to differences between swine breeds, ages, weights, use of different derivation systems as well as great variability between experimental conditions.
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