2014, Number 2
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Revista Cubana de Ortopedia y Traumatología 2014; 28 (2)
A dispute over time: Williams and Charriere exercises
Martín PB, Chelala FCR, del Río RW, Roja PO, Lamarque MVH
Language: Spanish
References: 37
Page: 235-244
PDF size: 228.14 Kb.
Back pain is a common disease. It is the leading cause of physical limitation in people
younger than 45 years and it is the seventh reason for consultation in primary care.
Despite its benign nature, it is one of the leading causes of disability in developed
countries. The purpose of this study was to validate the effectiveness of the use of
rehabilitation exercises in the treatment of lumbar pain syndrome. The practice of
exercises has proven to be effective for improving pain and physical limitations that
brings in back pain patients. Traditionally, Williams exercises and Charriere spinal
technique are indicated for the rehabilitation treatment of the spine diseases. Despite
daily use, confusion persists in various aspects regarding application technique, and
many books and articles tend to mix them interchangeably. Each technique is outlined
concerning their overall objectives, types of exercises, basic positions, regions of the
spine which can be applied, and stage of disease where their use is recommended.
Position of Williams and its six basic exercises by purpose are here described. These
techniques remain known efficacy in rehabilitation treatment for ailments of the spine.
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