2004, Number 4
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Gac Med Mex 2004; 140 (4)
Anti-Brucella Antibody Seroprevalence in Blood Donors for Therapeutic Ends at Three Blood Banks of The Mexican Institute of Social Security.
Torres-Padilla JC, López-Merino A, García-Escamilla RM, Gutiérrez-García JN
Language: Spanish
References: 40
Page: 391-398
PDF size: 67.80 Kb.
Introduction: to determine seroprevalence for Brucella sp.
in blood donors, a serologic study was carried out at three
blood banks of the Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social
Methods: 500 blood samples were taken from selected
blood donors. Laboratory tests were used, such as Bengal
rose (BR), Standard agglutination in microplate (SAM)
and in presence of 2-Mercaptoethanol agglutination in
microplate (2ME), which were applied to 500 blood sera
from selected effective blood donors. The sample was
representative according to the statistical analysisdeveloped.
Results: 18 of 500 analyzed sera were positive, with
seroprevalence of 3.6%, male sex (83.4%), predominating,
as secondary activity group (72.2%). According to academic
archivement, blood donors with secondary school had highest
seropositivity (55.6%).
Conclusion: In this study, we conclude that brucellosis has
peculiar epidemiologic characteristics in blood banks that
participated in this research; therefore it is highly recommended
to perform screening tests such as BR, SAM, and
2ME to identified anti-Brucella antibodies in the sera of
effective blood donors
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