2015, Number 1
Knowledge, perception of risks and benefits of the cytologic test in women from Ciego de Ávila
Language: Spanish
References: 19
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Introduction: Ciego de Avila each year meet the goals proposed in performing Pap smear. Getting a response from a different perspective to this problem of health is the reason to look for other factors that affect the performance of the Pap smear, as established in the National Programme, in the context of the couple and the family.Objective: To describe the essential knowledge, perception of risks and benefits of the cytologic test in women in study.
Method: A descriptive prospective longitudinal observational study was carried out. The universe consisted of a total of 773 women; it was designed a sample of type 4 blocks FMC The sample was constituted by 192 couples. The study was conducted with the support of the FMC, using 8 health activists, who were trained before visiting the different households to obtain information.
Results: There is a lack of knowledge in couples on this subject and poor risk perception.
Conclusions: The results of the study show that the absence of knowledge and risks perception that couples have could be a cause that leads to the nonperformance of the rules planned by the National Program of Precocious Diagnosis of Cervical Cancer.
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