2015, Number 03
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Ginecol Obstet Mex 2015; 83 (03)
Burnout syndrome in medical and obstetric perception of violence
Pintado-CucarellaS, Penagos-CorzoJC, Casas-Arellano MA
Language: Spanish
References: 18
Page: 173-178
PDF size: 344.76 Kb.
Background: Obstetric violence involves a violation of reproductive
rights of women during pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum. It has
been associated with lack of empathy and emotional discomfort of
Objective: To identify the perceptions of obstetric violence and to determine
the possible relationship with burnout syndrome.
Material and methods: We evaluated 29 physicians whose scope of work
relates to obstetrics and gynecology. The evaluation instruments were:
a) questionnaire on professional perception that collects demographic
information, situations of perceived obstetric violence, major concerns
of physicians in their professional work, and includes an scale about
level of job satisfaction, b) the Maslach Burnout Inventory, and c) Jefferson
Scale of Physician Empathy.
Results: The most prevalent obstetric violence situations perceived were:
medical malpractice and harmful practices (35.71%), discrimination
(35.71%), rude treatment and verbal attacks (40%). The 64.35% of the
participants reported lack of information on obstetric violence and not
have tools to cope with this problem. Regarding the burnout syndrome,
it was associated with several items of the scale of empathy and with
the scale of job satisfaction.
Conclusions: This study shows the importance of providing knowledge
and tools to deal with obstetric violence and stress management to
prevent such situations on medical practices.
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