2004, Number 3
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Gac Med Mex 2004; 140 (3)
Historical Perspective of Smallpox in Mexico: Emergence, Elimination, and Risk of Reemergence due t Bioterrorism.
Franco-Paredes C, Lammoglia L, Santos-Preciado JI
Language: Spanish
References: 38
Page: 321-328
PDF size: 61.01 Kb.
Smallpox has been considered a disease of historical
interest. However, given the 2001 terrorist events in the
U.S. with intentional release of spores of Bacillus anthracis,
and the current political worldwide agenda, the risk of
bioterrorism has become a global public health concern.
The risk of an intentional release of Variola virus as a
biological weapon mandates a critical review of the
historical impact of the disease in our country and the
possible risk of its intentional reemergence. Smallpox was
introduced into susceptible Indian populations in the
Americas in the 16th century, contributing to the collapse of
the Aztec Empire. Francisco Xavier Balmis start a
vaccination campaign in the New World, and his efforts are
considered the first eradication campaign of vaccine
preventable diseases. Due to his efforts, smallpox was
eliminated in Mexico in 1951. In the posteradication era,
there is small but finite risk of intentional release of Variola
virus. In response to this risk, Mexico has developed a
comprehensive National preparedness plan. The impact of
a new epidemic of smallpox will be considered a catastrophic
event from both a historical and public health perspectives.
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