2015, Number 1
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Rev Cub Med Int Emerg 2015; 14 (1)
Knowledge and perception of risk on the Syndrome of Inmovilization in units of atention to the serious
Hernández TL, Sánchez VG, Véliz MPL
Language: Spanish
References: 16
Page: 30-44
PDF size: 185.98 Kb.
Introduction: The syndrome of immobilization is a problem of health in
patients with prolonging taking of the bed in units of attention to the serious that
claims adequate strategies of confrontation for their prevention and treatment.
Objective: evaluating the knowledge and perception of risk of the personnel of
infirmary on the syndrome of immobilization in the units of attention to the
serious military hospital Dr. Carlos J. Finlay.
Method: it was carried out an investigation with 83 patients and 42 male
nurses, questionnaires were applied in order to evaluate the knowledge and
the perception of the risk on the syndrome of immobilization in two units of
work: intensive cares and intermediate cares.
Results: The syndrome of immobilization reached a prevalence of the 65,1%,
with homogeneous distribution between services, those that overcome the 60
years are the most affected and the most frequent complications are the
bronchopneumonia and ulcers for pressure. The evaluation of the personnel
showed unsatisfied results in the 76.1% of the male nurses, with higher
affectation in the graduates of intensive cares (92,9%) and in the technicians of
intermediate cares (80%). The most unknown areas are: the emotional
disorders, renal alterations and breathing disorders. In the 66.7% there is
ignorance if the syndrome causes affectation in the assistantial quality of the
service. In general, there is low perception of the risk on the studied syndrome.
Conclusions: The low level of knowledge, perception of risk and the
uncertainty of the personnel in the services are psychosocial indicators that
affect the strategies of confrontation to the syndrome of immobilization.
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