2014, Number 4
Assessment of blood glucose levels by two analytic methods in the emergency room
Language: Spanish
References: 21
Page: 664-675
PDF size: 319.03 Kb.
Introduction: measurement of a medical parameter through different methods demands assessment of the agreement between them.Objective: to determine the disagreement between glucose levels obtained by a glucometer and the customary method of laboratory, in the emergency room.
Methods: an observational study was performed in patients attended at emergency room of Vladimir I. Lenin Hospital, in Holguín, Cuba, with requested determination of blood glucose levels. The study was carried out during March, 2013. The sample size was calculated taking into account a 5 % of accepted disagreement by the International Organization of Standardization criteria (ISO 15197:2003), being 72 the obtained number. A simple random sampling and exclusion criteria were also applied. Glucose blood levels were assessed using RapiglucoTest reference method and a glucometer SUMASENSOR SXT.
Results: patients were 58.7± 18.3 years, 54.2 % were female, 51.4% diabetics, and 70.8 % nonfasting. Mean absolute relative error was 9.5 ± 8.07%. There was 4.8% of disagreement between methods. Skew and precision were 0.40 mmol/L and ± 0.65 mmol/l, respectively. 94.4% of values were between the limits of 1.96 standard deviation (Bland-Altman method). Both Intraclass coefficient correlation (0.995) and determination coefficient (0.98) reached high values. No significant disparity between absolute differences were assessed depending upon fasting state (p=0.3103).
Conclusions: the disagreement between methods corresponded to the admissible threshold stablished by ISO criteria. This and the rest of the analysis indicate that this glucometer is both accurate and precise for its intended use in the emergency room setting, even in nonfasting individuals.
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