2014, Number 4
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Correo Científico Médico 2014; 18 (4)
Cigarette smoking and poor oral hygiene behavior as risk factors of dental caries
Pereda RME, González VFE
Language: Spanish
References: 19
Page: 623-635
PDF size: 345.35 Kb.
Introduction: dental caries is the most prevalent oral disease, affecting more than 90 % of the population and it is classified as a multifactorial irreversible disease, direct related with poor education, inadequate hygiene habits and consumption of tobacco at an early age.
Objective: to describe the behavior of smoking and oral hygiene as risk factors of dental caries in patients from 15 to 59 years of age of Mario Gutierrez Ardaya polyclinic.
Methods: a series of cases study at Office 6 of Mario Gutierrez Ardaya Polyclinic, Holguín was performed in patients from 15 to 59 years of age in the period June 2012 to May 2013. The sample consisted of 94 patients. The statistical analysis was applied as well as the percentage and the prevalence rate of dental caries.
Results: the prevalence rate of dental caries was 54.25 per 100 people being the group from 30 to 44 years the most affected one. Most of those affected had insufficient oral hygiene which accounted for 82.35 % and consumed snuff in some forms.
Conclusions: the rate of prevalence of dental caries in the examined population was low with a predomination of the group from 30 to 44 years old with high smoking and insufficient oral hygiene.
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