2015, Number 2
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EduMeCentro 2015; 7 (2)
The integration of the cuban health system: a relevant event for the development of the medical teaching
Ruiz HJR
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 3-18
PDF size: 160.47 Kb.
Background: the Cuban revolutionary government carried out different actions to organize a system that integrates the activities in relation to the public health to eliminate fragmentation including the medical teaching.
Objective: to point out the particularities and relevant facts that characterized the integration process of the Cuban health system from the teaching-caring- researching points of view up to the creation of a unified health system.
Methods: it was carried out a review of documents and an interview to key informants who gave information about the topic. Theoretical methods were used in the analysis of the object of study supported by the interaction of the historical-logical method. The
methodological triangulation was used to arrive to integrating considerations.
Results: there was no clear integrating policy of the Cuban health system from 1959 to 1961, internal integration started when the laws 958 & 959 were passed in August 1961, they set the legal bases for its development. From 1962 on this process began to develop and concluded in 1970 with the total integration of the pharmaceutical industry and the medical teaching, together with the disappearance of the private subsystem and the close relation with the universities for the medical formation.
Conclusions: the integration of the National Health System was analyzed in the period from 1959 to 1970. It was determined that the integration came true gradually from 1962 on and ended in the early 70's.
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