2015, Number 1
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Revista Habanera de Ciencias Médicas 2015; 14 (1)
Association birth weight overweight and hypertension in adolescents
Ferrer AM, Fernández-Britto RJE, Alonso MM, Carballo MR, Pérez AH
Language: Spanish
References: 29
Page: 22-32
PDF size: 118.02 Kb.
Introduction: in recent decades, epidemiological studies show the association
between maternal and environmental factors and chronic diseases in adulthood. Birth weight is related to the presence of atherogenics risk factors in later life.
Objective: to determine the association between birth weight and overweight and hypertension in adolescents.
Material and Methods: a cross-sectional study involving 252 adolescents aged 16-19 years belonging to the polyclinic Moncada in Plaza Municipality, La Habana,
was performed. Birth weight was obtained as reported by parents. Measurements of weight, height, waist circumference and three shots in blood pressure were
performed, recording average. Body mass index (BMI) was calculated. The nutritional status, waist circumference and blood pressure were classified by percentile tables.
Results: predominance of adolescents with a history of normal weight, followed by
macrosomia and 3.6 % had less than 2500 grams. Adolescents weighing more than
4000 grams had higher values of BMI and waist circumference in adolescence,
while underweight had higher systolic blood pressure.
Conclusions: the higher frequency of adolescent with overweight and hypertension had antecedents of low birth weight of high weight at birth alerting about the
necessity to do preventive actions since the prenatal period.
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