2015, Number 1
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AbanicoVet 2015; 5 (1)
Bee selection (Apis Mellifera L) with low defensiveness and its relationship with the environment in Jalisco, Mexico
Esquivel RS, Macías-Macías JO, Tapia- González JM, Contreras-Escareño F, de León MMJ, Silva-Contreras A
Language: Spanish
References: 18
Page: 44-50
PDF size: 106.74 Kb.
Apiculture has great economic importance in Mexico; therefore, it occupies the 3rd place
as honey exporter and the 6th place as producer. The development of the beekeeping
activity in Jalisco faces several problems, specially, the high defensiveness in bees
derived from africanization, this has been affecting beekeepers in the handling of the
colonies and provoking accidents with bee stings to people and animals, for that reason
the objective of this investigation was to select colonies with low defensiveness behavior
for their future reproduction in order to facilitate the handling by beekeepers and revert
the social reject situation towards apiculturists producers. Defensive behavior tests were
made with a suede flag to determine the defensive response from the colonies by the
number of stings left on this flag. Additionally to know the answer of bees to other
factors, environmental geographic data and the strength of the colonies were recorded
and related to defensiveness. Low statistical correlation between the strength and
environmental geographic parameters with defensiveness of bees was found, therefore
it is inferred that there is no influence within this factors and defensive behavior. 206
colonies of a total of 283 (72.7 %) were chosen that fulfilled the requirements to start
with an improvement scheme, which may indicate that the genetic pool present in this
zone contains valuable material to initiate an effective selection program to have in the
future colonies with low defensiveness behavior.
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