2014, Number 2
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Rev Cubana Invest Bioméd 2014; 33 (2)
Pre and postnatal growth as related to overweight among Bayamo school-age children
Suárez RM, Ruiz ÁV, Alegret RM, Díaz SME, Hernández TM
Language: Spanish
References: 135
Page: 204-230
PDF size: 238.33 Kb.
Objective: describe the relationship between prenatal factors and those occurring during the first year of life, and determine their influence on overweight in later stages.
Methods: an analytical observational retrospective case-control study was conducted in the municipality of Bayamo with 200 overweight school-age children and 200 normal children aged 6-11 years from the same area of residence, born to mothers with similar gestational age of 37-42 weeks, homogeneous as to age and sex, and with a history of good health. The statistical analysis included estimation of the associated risk as odd ratio.
Results: a strong association was found between overweight at school age and the following factors: excessive weight gain during the first 4 months of life, low weight, reduced supine length and head circumference at birth, smoking, insufficient weight gain, low BMI and maternal diseases during pregnancy.
Conclusions: these factors should be borne in mind in the prevention of child obesity. Rapid weight gain during the first months of life should be prevented among children born with fetal growth disorders.
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