2014, Number 3
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Revista de Ciencias Médicas de la Habana 2014; 20 (3)
Facial dog bites in children
Gbenou MY, Flores OM, Galiano CM
Language: Spanish
References: 25
Page: 447-454
PDF size: 220.58 Kb.
Dog bites represent a motive of frequent consult. This type of accident generates
an enormous anxiety for both patients, health care personnel as well as family.
Nowadays, establishing an appropriate multidisciplinary management of pediatric
victims of a dog attack in the right facial region and the tracking of dogs after an
aggression constitutes a challenge to global public health. A review of the literature was performed with the aim of contributing to raising the scientific level of all
professionals from related pediatric specialties and personnel from other sanitary
institutions involved in the medical and veterinary care of these cases. For its
development it was consulted books, serial electronic journals, Google databases,
MEDLINE and other bibliographic databases contained at Infomed Virtual Health
Library (VHL). It was concluded that related pediatric specialties, the primary health
care network and veterinary medical institutions involved in such accidents must
step up efforts to inform the community about the risk factors to reduce the
frequency of dog attacks in the facial region in children and establish an action
protocol destined for the attention of this type of pediatric emergency.
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